Monday 2 July 2018

Nurse Bloggers Challenge

Ok so I have decided to write a blog about community nursing as a newly qualified nurse and take part in the @bloggersnurse 30 day challenge...not promising that these will be on time or the correct day but I will try my best! 
I missed the first day yesterday but I guess that the above kind of covers that one so I am going to move straight on to day 2 which is 20 facts about me...

1. I am from Scotland and love learning about our history as awful as it sometimes is.
2. I am a mother before I was ever a nurse and family means everything to me.
3. My husband is a paramedic and has been my go to throughout my training for everything! Think he is sick of me asking A&P questions.
4. I must have good genetics as my great grandmother is still alive at 100 years old.
5. I am an activist with the RCN and over the last few years have met some amazing people through them.
6. However, related to my last one, I am not very outspoken and come across as quiet...I tend to listen and think about things before I act upon them.
7. I love music, play numerous instruments including the bagpipes, and believe that music is a fantastic healer.
8. I lived and worked in Virginia, USA before my nursing career and still keep in touch with many of the folks that I worked beside.
9. I am petrified of heights.
10. I am a strong swimmer and although I no longer swim competitively I still enjoy swimming regularly when life let's me.
11. I am a life long member of the girl scouts in the USA and was a rainbow, brownie, guide and young leader of the girl guides here in the UK, my daughter is just starting her journey as a rainbow.
12. I love to travel and have seen many countries including living as an exchange with a family in Hungary.
13. Both of my parents are self employed... something I would never want to do!
14. I was accepted into a nursing program when I was 17 but didn't actually start it properly until I was 29.
15. I am very nervous when I first meet new people and don't do small talk very well but I am a great listener.
16. I love bunnies (especially my pet one).
17. I love anything with flamingos on it (slightly obsessed with flamingos actually)
18. I am still petrified that I have so much responsibility as a nurse and worry all the time that I am going to do something wrong.
19. I love being outdoors and would choose a tent over a hotel any time, when life gets too much or things are too stressful I always take myself a long walk and always feel better after spending some time with nature.
20. I love my job and my team!

Phew, that was hard! Who knew that thinking about 20 things to write about yourself would be so difficult?

I suppose that it has given me a little food for thought tonight as we always ask so many questions of our patients but actually know very little about them in terms of who they really are. I am lucky that as a community nurse I often have to opportunity to see photographs and items within a home that are special to my patients and these often are great openers for chatting and building a strong relationship while giving the care required but on the wards this is often difficult to do.

Take the time to try and think of 20 facts about you and think how many of these things would change you if you didn't have access to them, would that change the way that you treat your patient in the future?

Lynsay x

1 comment:

  1. Amazing read! I can totally relate to the struggles of being a community nurse. Check out my site I'm currently writing a series about real client stories out in the field as a community nurse. Something might spike your curiosity :) and the feeling of "thinking of always doing something wrong" will pass with practice. Being a community nurse will train you harder than any other job would!
